
I’m open to being a guest on your podcast! Whether it’s big or small.

I can discuss any post on this site including:

I can also talk about the software engineering articles on Tobeva Software.

Whiskey Web and Whatnot

In August 2024 I was a guest on the Whiskey Web and Whatnot podcast. While their YouTube video count is low, they have a good-sized podcasting audience. Find them on your favorite podcasting app. They are great hosts, and it was fun! Some technical discussion and a fair amount of fun chatting.

Interesting bits:

Backend Banter

In January 2024 I was a guest on Lane Wagner's Boot.dev podcast called Backend Banter. My episode focused on my 2020 article Brain Oriented Programming about a specific way OOP can go bad: your objects are not themselves object-oriented. I later interviewed Lane on Software Engineering Radio #608.

Interesting bits:

Software Engineering Radio

I was a volunteer host for the Software Engineering Radio Podcast from 2021 through 2024. Each volunteer produces and records five shows per year. Through the combined effort of around 10 volunteer hosts, the show releases a new episode weekly. These are links to the 17 shows which I hosted:

Volunteering for the show is a great way to get podcasting experience in front of a fairly large audience, and practice doing research on random topics.

Beyond Clean Code

Not a podcast, but I made this 23 minute video and article in response to Casey Muratori’s article and video which I felt was misleading in a number of ways. I worked hard to tell the full true story (as I saw it) and polished both the script and the final edited video, I’m happy with the result.

Some points covered:

  • Clean code does not inherently leads to “horrible performance”
  • Object Oriented can have a performance penalty
  • In many cases that penalty is neglible
  • In some cases it’s not: be wary of using OO in those cases
  • In many contexts code can run 100x slower and still completely fine